Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Leftovers - Roast Dinner Soup

It doesn't look like leftovers to me's green!
 "What on earth?" you might ask. Well, it is what it is! If you think about it, making a Roast Dinner soup makes a load of sense. The veg is already cooked, you have gravy handy and any guy will tell you that he prefers meat in his meal somewhere if there is any surplus turkey or beef so that will keep us happy. Believe it or not, stuffing can go in too as it is pretty much a lump of extravagant seasoning! If this doesn't appeal to you then could always have it rolled up cold in a pancake? See Pancakes! if confused.
Delicious now, delicious tomorrow
 One of the tastiest soups I've ever made was a one such as this. If you did not know it was a 'leftovers' meal then I would have told you it was a Cream of Sweet Pea and Parsnip soup. In much simpler terms, I had roasted my parsnips in thyme and honey the day before and so it had this wonderfully sweet flavour to it. There were peas and carrots left and some mashed potato so I added the vegetables to some stock, warmed it all up, seasoned it, blitzed it with my hand blender and added a generous amount of cream. It really was delicious stuff!
 The idea of a roast dinner soup is actually ages old as my Mum used to do it sometimes. We liked it! Nothing got wasted, and though I don't remember, even yorkshires and - brace yourselves - apple crumble went in once! Anyway, let's just go over that method again.

 Time: 10 mins

 Serves: Varies


 1) Take some stock in a saucepan (have a look at how much veg you have for a ratio) and put it over a medium temperature. As that heats up add your vegetables and anything else handy so stuffing, gravy, meats, etc before whizzing it all up and adding the cream. Season to taste and, "Da, da!"

The photographer was enjoying herself...
 If you didn't put the yorkshires in then there is another way of using those. Have a look at my Profiteroles! post for a Super Crazy Cheat. Write and tell me about all of your own ways to use leftovers with Your Blog!.

Seasoned with Resourcefulness.


"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and to spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly

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