Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Jamie's Mini Cheatin' Cheesecakes

Look at those little darlin's
 Everyone loves a good cheat and a quicker method to a quality result, right? If you are looking for a dessert that looks stunning but you only have fifteen or so minutes then this is for you. I was watching 'Jamie's 30 Minute Meals' and this recipe was the dessert so I decided to give it a bash. I did sixteen so it took me around half an hour to do them all but for a dessert for sixteen people, I'd say that's quite impressive. 
 With this recipe you could change so much of it to suit yourself. Take each of the three main components and customise as you will. As Jamie did in his video, swap digestives for ginger nut type biccies with toasted hazel nuts, chuck some Malteasers in there (see previous post NYC Baked Cheesecake) or, dare I say it, if you are American you could try Oreos... There are a bazillion different preserves to choose from and you can also add a little lemon juice or zest and icing sugar to mascarpone instead of using creme fraiche if you so wish. The last main components are the fruit and chocolate so go with what your palette dictates. To the recipe!
Don't forget to experiment with different components

 Time: 15 mins

 Serves: 4


  1) Toast 50g of hazel nuts in a pan and then with the end of a rolling pin, crush some of them up for a varied texture before melting with them 50g of butter. Remove from the heat. Place in a tea towel eight biscuits of your choice and bash the "livin' daylights out of 'em!" as Jamie says. Once this is achieved, add them to your butter and nut mix.
Shaving chocolate
 2) Take a 300ml pot of either mascarpone or creme fraiche and add tablespoon of icing sugar or add to taste. Take four short tumblers, distributing evenly the base mixture, and then spoon in your chosen preserve and creme fraiche/mascarpone plopping in a soft fruit of some sort here and there. Finally, top with chocolate shavings (see the 30 Minute Meals link above for technique) and chill until needed.

Wanna-be-chef's tip - To get the best out of this dessert's presentation, ensure that the glass is kept as clean as possible while filling. Maybe add a few mint leaves as Jamie suggests. It will look better for a little green too...

Bon appetit!
Seasoned with Efficiency,



"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly

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