Thursday, 25 July 2013

Homemade Vegetarian Pizzas feat. Simron Biant

All topped and ready to cook!
 Last week I had a special guest, my friend, Simron Biant, staying. He is an Indian vegetarian so I had good fun with this slight challenge in cooking. One day while he was here I did my curry recipe (See 'The British Staple: Curry...Really?'), forgetting who I was serving this too. Yes, I served curry to an Indian! The feedback was 
The wonder that is Pizza...
positive so Happy Days!
  Our time together was filled with fun, food and all around buffoonery and before he left, I talked him into letting me teach him some knife skills (those onions really showed us who's boss!) and also how to make pizzas from scratch. (See previous post 'As-Authentic-As-You-Like-Pizza') We had such a blast, it was brilliant fun! The results were good as you can see so give them a go yourself sometime. Check the link above for an awesome recipe!

Seasoned with Buffoonery, (because I quite like that word)


I love this one! No, this is not me reacting to Simron's singing. This is the result of dealing with some serious onions. Man, were they something else!

Teaching knife skills is great fun and very rewarding

Measuring out the flour...
...and bring it together slowly

...but having a blast!
Making a mess...

Ta da! And there you have it. Well done Simron!

"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly

Thursday, 18 July 2013

NEW YouTube Video - Fake or Real "Combino" TV Spot

 Here is a little mock-up "advert/TV spot" that my sister (who does the photography for my blog) and I did for fun. I use the Combino sauce featured in the video frequently so to see posts/recipes in which I have used it then click the links below.

Making the video was great fun so I hope you guys all enjoy watching it!


"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator  
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Cheesy Pasta Sauce with Spinach, Broccoli and Peas

One delicious dish-ous!
 I created this dish just the other day and it worked so well! The family and I were going to see our grandparents for a BBQ meaning lots of tasty dishes were required so I made this one which everyone enjoyed so much. My Nan even set some aside for later!
 Cheese sauces, especially with pasta, are so easy and highly rewarding and even Jamie says regarding his Mac 'n' Cheese, "Sometimes it's done so badly in the convenience area, it's almost become famous for being horrible, but when you do it properly, trust me, it's an absolute killer!" 

Whisking the roux
 A few helpful tipsFirstly, add your cheese when the pan is off the hob as if it is heated too much the cheese can get 'tough'. Also, To get the best out of your cheese's flavour grate it when it is just out the fridge so it is firm and then add it when it is room temperature. I've also heard that to prevent the cheese becoming 'stringy', use something acidic like a white wine as a base for your sauce.

Time: 15 mins

Serves: 8-10

Jamie's killer "Mac 'n' Cheese"
 1) Put on a pan of salted boiling water for your pasta of choice. Melt over a medium heat two heaped tablespoons of butter. When melted, sieve in 100g of plain flour and whisk together to form what's called a roux. (Jamie says to add finely chopped garlic at this stage but it's up to you.) Take around 500ml of milk and add a few splashes of it to mix together before gradually adding the rest. A pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper, whisk thoroughly and remove from the hob.

 2) Keeping an eye on your pasta, add a few handfuls of peas (frozen work too), spinach leaves and cut up a head of broccoli quite small to add too. Grate your cheeses of choice (using Parmesan works brilliant as a second cheese) and combine until all melted together. A little nutmeg works nicely too. If it's looking too thick then splash in a little milk and stir. Season to taste.

 Wanna-be-Chef's tip - If using for a baked pasta then add more milk for a slightly thinner sauce
This might be useful...

 Simple as that! Add your drained pasta to it and you're away. It's going to be a winner with everyone every time! I would highly recommend you experiment with different cheeses for this dish - there are bazillions out there. Goat's cheese, Czech sheep's milk, Venezuelan beaver cheese... Soft cheeses, hard cheeses; blue cheeses and even green cheeses so have a good explore and put your own spin on things. Give this a go and let me know how you get on!

Seasoned with Fervour,


"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator  
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly

Sunday, 7 July 2013

My Take On An Eton Mess - A Perfect Summer Dessert

Refreshing to simply look at
 Summer is certainly here, bringing with it a new menu of wonderful treats to enjoy! Eton Mess has got to be high on the list of summer desserts because it's super simple to make, can look fantastic and hosts some real fruity flavours. It is perfect for any kind of summer party or wedding receptions even.
The photographer wants
to lick the lid...
 Eton mess, known by this name since the 19th century, is famous for it being served at the annual cricket match between the two schools, Eton and Harrow (one of the longest running sporting fixtures in the world!). In the 1930's, Eton Mess was served in Eton's "sock shop" originally being made using ice-cream and either strawberries or banana with meringue becoming a later addition. One theory, that I found most amusing, was that this dessert was accidentally created when a yellow Labrador smushed up a meringue dessert at a picnic with the remains salvaged as the first Eton Mess. 

 Time: 15 mins

 Serves: 12-14


...and the whisk
Another tip is to chill your bowl and
whisk for making Chantilly
 1) Make up 600ml Chantilly cream (See previous post "Profiteroles" for recipe) in a mixer and just before it's ready, plop in some raspberries, strawberries and semi-crushed meringue. (Recipe for homemade meringue coming soon!) While you are waiting, you can always use meringue nests which you can buy from most supermarkets. Turn your mixer on again to partially combine everything together.
 2) Take some more meringue, break it up little and drop it into a chilled glass before drizzling with raspberry coulis. (Completely optional and again, recipe coming soon!) Spoon in a few heaps of the Chantilly-fruit mixture, top with a few bits of fresh fruit, drizzle with more coulis and garnish with a mint sprig or my cheat idea of using a strawberry top!
Nearly there...

 Wanna-be-Chef's tip - Before you start, mix together some caster sugar with a squeeze of orange juice and a few pinches of zest in a shallow bowl. Run some fresh orange juice around the rim or your glass and then invert the glass over the bowl, so that some of the sugar sticks to the rim. 

Seasoned with Lavishness,


Yep, definitely the work of a yellow Labrador...

In case you are wondering, the photographer was having fun!

A delicious concoction of sweet, creamy, fruity mess...

For parties or weddings, these work beautifully and kids love 'em too!

 P.S. Got your own favourite summer dessert? Write to me at with a recipe for you very own post on my sister site YourBlog!.

"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator  
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Semi-roasted New Potatoes Two Ways

Just look at the colours! These are a "must try".
 The friendly potato, from the family of the not-so-friendly purple nightshade, is such an amazingly versatile vegetable; the amount of ways you can use it are near limitless. Mash, boiled, deep-fried, roasted or cut in half and used to remove broken light bulbs...actually, that last one doesn't really go. 
 It can be easy to make any potato dish boring and bland but just as easy to make it altogether arresting, colourful and intense with flavours. Sometimes, all it takes is a sprinkle of something to take your tatties to that next level. Experiment!
Potatoes can also conduct electricity
 Now, these particular little babies, my 'Semi-roasted New Potatoes', are just fantastic for doing in large amounts but still delivering amazing tastes, textures and looks. One of the first times I did these was for when we met up with some friends and they were surprisingly popular, I was quite taken back as they're so simple! Nowadays I do them for BBQs, dinner parties, anything where there's going to be a lot of people.

 Time: About 30 mins boiling, 20 mins roasting

 Serves: 15+

I'll just pretend I'm in Italy!

 1) Boil a kilogram or two of new potatoes (depending on how many you are catering for) in salted water until soft enough to slice easily. While they're boiling, dice one green chili, one red chili (seeds removed), one small red onion and two garlic gloves finely chopped and add them to a small bowl with half a pat of butter and set aside.
 2) Preheat your oven to 220 degrees. Take a large oven-safe dish, glug in some olive oil and sprinkle with some rock salt and black pepper before draining off your potatoes and transferring to your dish. More olive oil, another sprinkle of salt and pepper and then melt your butter. Pour the melted butter evenly over you spuds and place in your oven. Cook until they get a little bit of a golden touch to them and then serve with maybe some sour cream with chives!

 However, the way I did it in the photos you see was just slightly different. Instead of chillies I used quartered cherry tomatoes and I also grated Parmesan all over, garnishing with plenty of fresh basil.
 For a little difference again, bake a few bacon rashers (maybe with a few rosemary sprigs and pine nuts even) until crispy and add them broken up into some sour cream with some smushed up garlic gloves, boiled for a bit with the potatoes. The kitchen is yours, go surprise yourself! If ever you have any questions then comment below and I promise to do my best to help.

Seasoned with Piquantness,


Jamie knows how to do it!

"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator  
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly