Yep, that's an ice-cream cake |
So, after leaving Montana, it was a six hour drive to Calgary. I had a day there to rest up and then a two hour drive the following day up to Lacombe. Since being here in the States, I've had the great privilege of being invited into different people's homes which can oftentimes mean food. The Bergers were no exception. What a great family! The first evening I was there, there eldest daughter, Emily, and I believe a few helpers had made scores of spring rolls from scratch. I can remember when I was younger that I had little appreciation for such foods but these were seriously good! Anyhow, I was already blown away with these guys' skills in the kitchen but I was soon to find that I had no idea...
Getting some practice in... Apparently I look
like a gherkin |
The morning after I had a practice and a sound check. I was borrowing a five string bass which I've never played before as I hadn't brought my bass for the trip, so, that was a first. All I could hope was that everything would sound OK the following day...
This picture seriously doesn't do it
justice |
Now, at home, I have this little tradition. Every Saturday I make a big chilli and everybody loves it. Somehow this tradition has continued even here in the States. What had Mrs. Berger prepared for dinner? Yep, chilli. And you know what I was saying about "skills in the kitchen"? Well, Alethea can make the most incredible apple pies!
Live on stage! |
The next day was the day of a concert. Man, was that a blast! I was nervous as it was the biggest one I'd done on this trip so far but I survived with only a few minor blips. After that, to say thank you to the Berger's (they had done so much in organizing the concert) I went to Dairy Queen...for an ice-cream cake! This was well received, apparently there are a few ice-cream fanatics among them as I learned...
The King of Cuteness: Isaiah Berger |
We later had a BBQ together outside over an open fire before tucking into the ice-cream cake. A little while after that, while getting in a mess with toasted marshmallows, I was acquainted with the art of bannock making. Apparently it's a Scottish recipe that is best cooked over an open fire which we had handy. Take a handful of dough, squish around the tip of a long stick and cook until well browned. Spread with butter, jam, honey, (or marmite!) and you are away.
Well, what can finish off a day of music, food and friends better than dancing? Ladies and gentleman, allow me to introduce you to line dancing! Yep, I learned how to line dance thanks to the patience of Abbie (whose very cool
YouBlog! post you can read right
here) and had such a great time. As you may have guessed, I was very sad to go and I shall never forget the time spent with the Berger family. Many thanks to you all, you're
Check out the disco ball! |
Seasoned with far too much fun!
Acknowledgements - Many thanks to Alex for teaching me how to back-flip on a trampoline!
Downtown Calgary. I've been able to experience Canada in the Autumn (or Fall as they say over here) a few
times now and it never ceases to "wow" me |
Choosing an ice-cream cake |
Alethea preparing those delicious pies... |
Having the cake personlized |
Now that's a cool one! |
Cooking up the cheeseburgers |
Enjoying that ice-cream cake! |
Bannock bread. A must for anyone camping |
"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly