Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Lake Louise and Tim Horton's

Lake Louise. Look closely above my left
shoulder and you will see the glacier at
the far end of the lake

Brrr...cold thumbs
 The Canadian province of Alberta is famous for many things: majestic National Parks, fabulous ski resorts, the Edmonton Mall...steak. (Nothing like an Alberta steak, right, Alex?) Famed for it's breathtaking beauty, however, is Lake Louise, Banff National Park. It was a two and a bit hour drive from Calgary and freezing cold but it was worth it, I've never seen anything quite like the crystaly blue colour of Lake Louise. I was reminded a lot of the time I spent in Scotland (see here for my post on that) by the area surrounding it however it was much more dramatic.
 Anyhow, by this time, I was in dire need of something hot so there was one logical place to go: Tim Horton's. Oh, yes, I like Tim Horton's! Canadian ice hockey player, Tim Horton, founded the coffee chain in 1964 and it is now the largest fast food service in Canada with over 3,000 stores nationwide! Just check out these statistics:
Of course, I had to have the
green one!
  • In Canada, Tim Horton's has twice the amount of outlets as McDonald's
  • Tim Horton's commands 76% of the Canadian market for baked goods
  • Tim Horton's holds 62% of the Canadian coffee market (Starbucks came second with a meagre 7%!)
 Yep, Canadians like Tim!

 So, I was left with a question that you may be able to help me with. Looking at this box of mouth-watering goodies, what would come out on top for you: the lake or the doughnuts? Leave a comment if you know.

The Lake?

Seasoned with Choice,


or the doughnuts!
A cafe that I happened to spy with a clever name

"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly


  1. A coffee with a good friend.....beside a Lake! I can have both, can't I? :)

  2. Definitely the lake! It's easier to come by doughnuts then it is a mountain lake.:)

  3. "Nothing like an Alberta steak"
    .....words of wisdom....
    Can we wakeboard on the lake? Cause if so I'll take the lake..... With doughnuts in the boat....

  4. Um I was going to say Lake cos its so gorgeous, but I have a sweet tooth so in real life I think I'd probably choose the doughnuts. Bad isn't it?! But I can imagine all sorts of beautiful lakes.... while I eat ;)

  5. Thanks everyone! Great answers, they've all made me smile!
