Sunday, 18 August 2013

A "Foody Video" With a Twist...

 Hi Everyone,
 My apologies for the lack of posts as of late, I've had a good deal on at the moment but all will be revealed in good time. 
 So, for a quick post, I thought I'd share a quick "foody video" with a twist for you to watch. Here's a clue: as some of you know, like Jamie himself, I love playing drums as well as cooking but I've not done it at the same time just yet... 


"STOMP" in the Kitchen

"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly


  1. Aha, I remember seeing this before. STOMP is very cool. I saw some wooden spoons which were made into drumsticks the other day and immediately thought of you - just search Mix Stix on google. They are really cool!

    1. Yeah, it's really clever, I like watching their live stuff too. Really? Ha, ha! I love that, might get some.

      Thanks Jasmine!
