Thursday, 22 August 2013

My Eighteenth Birthday!

My super-awesome-bambozically-brilliant birthday 
cake! Many thanks to all those involved!
 My eighteenth birthday was just this week, it was a blast! My parents whisked me out of the house while, unbeknown to me, Charis and my older brother Joe, did a cake covered with loads of different green sweets that my Dad and one of my younger brothers, Ike, had delved through the pick 'n' mix for! I had no idea.
 Now, a few of you may know, I quite like the Victorian era for a few reasons and so, for my last birthday, my Mum bought me a very trendy top hat. This year amongst the presents, was a beautiful, silver pocket watch! As you can imagine, I was nothing short of over the moon. Apparently there are more surprises to come but due to some complications, will be revealed at a later date so stay posted...
Last year's present, 
my pride and joy.
 Anyhow, below are a few pics of the day and then, just for you readers, below in the previous post, "18 Years Ago - Me Growing Up", are some of me when I was my younger self. Have a laugh on me!

 Seasoned with Celebration,


My Eighteenth Birthday

Being shown the cake. Two priceless expressions... 

Oh, yes! Thanks Mum and Dad! So, it's just the sword-cane to go...

A huge thank you to my good friend who bought me a bright Green bottle of apple 'Fruit Shoot'!

Click HERE for more Birthday fun!

"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly


  1. Happy 18th! Lol @ the potty-training pic - sometimes this 'naked chef' business can go too far! ;)

    1. Hi Flossie,

      Thanks so much! Yeah, me too, makes me laugh every time. Ha, ha! That's funny!
