Monday, 23 September 2013

Continental Breakfasts

Behold, the waffle maker!
 Firstly I'd like you readers to know that I'm well and up to the brim with things to share! With regards to blogging, this trip has proved a little difficult hence the lack of posts. I've either not been able to stay in one place long enough to be able to blog or there's been just no access to the internet whatsoever but, anyhow, I'm now online so I shall tell of you my discoveries.
 Continental breakfasts. It's just one of those things I suppose. If your travelling and spending a lot of time on the road then a Motel with a pool, (wi-fi!) and a continental breakfast does the job. Fluffy waffles dripping with melting butter and maple syrup, fresh fruit, hot coffee, doughnuts, cinammon rolls and croissants; that's good to wake up to, believe me! Did I mention that most are free?
 Now, anybody for waffles? Let's make some!
First spray the top and bottom of the griddle. Now, can you see the waffle mixture machine to the right?

Go ahead and fill a cup of that...
...and pour the whole thing over the bottom of the griddle.

Close the griddle and flip it. This starts a timer for nearly three minutes.

After three minutes, flip the griddle back over and plate up your hot, golden waffle. Bring on the maple syrup!

 I know, "It's just a waffle machine," you might say but I actually think they're really good fun. Like I said at the beginning of this post, I've got a whole load of exciting stuff to share with you all so be sure to stay posted and hopefully you'll hear from me very soon!

Seasoned with Amusement,


"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly


  1. i wondering if you had a good recipe for salmon mousse?

    1. Hi!

      Thanks so much for your comment, I really do appreciate people contacting me!

      Apologies for the delay, as you can see from my latest posts I'm on the road in the States. I personally have never made salmon mousse but have found a recipe I might try when back home. Send your request to my blog's email,, and I'll send the recipe to you as soon as I can.

      Happy Cooking!

