Tuesday, 3 September 2013

"Jacob's America!"

I'll have to try and tick all
of these off...
He, he! Just for a laugh.
Thanks so much Joe for this great bit of work!
 I'm going on tour everybody!
 In my "Thanksgiving in England" post, I mentioned that it would be great to spend Thanksgiving in the States sometime. Well, this year...exactly that will happen! I will going on quite the adventure, spending some time in the U.S.A. and Canada and because the Canadians celebrate their Thanksgiving at a different time of year to their American neighbours, I will be able to do both! This year I will end up celebrating the Canadian Thanksgiving in the province of Alberta and then the American one in the State of Indiana. 
A brilliant book, Jamie!
 The reason for my visit is not just food related; see my previous post "Rustic Farmhouse Molasses and Sunflower Seed Loaf" and read my vest's motif. Some of you already know that I'm a keen musician and so I will be on tour with my band! If in there is a lack of posts for awhile, you will then know what I'm up to.
 Of course, while I am away, I shall do my best to document the foods that I come across to share with you all so you can all look forward to posts on some North American Delicacies from "Jacob's America"!

 Coming Soon,


Best State Food Map
...and all of these!

Click HERE for the first "Jacob's America" post!

"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly

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