Friday, 11 October 2013

Yellowstone National Park and Country Fried Steak

Old Faithful going off right in front
of me
Did I mention that this is very much
bear country?
  From Cody, it's only a few hours to Yellowstone National Park so have a guess as to where I went for the day? Yep, you guessed it. I nearly didn't as well as the road got closed due to a dump of snow the day before but after checking the next morning, it was discovered that it had opened but snow-tyres were recommended... Oh, boy.
 As you drive through the mountain pass, you climb to over 8,500 feet so the temperature starts dropping and all of a sudden snow blankets the forest around you. Cool. (Literally!) The surprise of seeing snow everywhere was insignificated (I made that word up), however, when I saw on the side of the road walking toward oncoming traffic a huge, shaggy bison! There it was, plain as day and boy was it big! Just incredible.
Here's one I snapped quickly as it walked right past the
vehicle I was in!
 Now, what shoots over 30,000 litres of boiling hot water 145 feet into the air around every 66.5 minutes? None other than the world renown geyser, 'Old Faithful'. And I got to see it! That was pretty impressive. I was expecting it to be a little louder than it was but what was more surprising than how it sounded was how it smelt. Yeah, let's just say it was a little gassy...
 The entire geyser basin was just beautiful and like nothing I've ever seen but I'd like to say to all the Rangers there that you guys might need to address the limescale problem sometime. 
A bit of a scale problem...
 Alright, alright. To the food! 
 Before leaving Cody, I went to this restaurant called Granny's (see photos below) where they do some pretty good home cooking. I perused the menu for a bit and tried to decipher what things like a 'Tim Bob Melt' was before ordering a Country Fried Steak with two over-easy eggs, hash browns and country gravy which is a food group all of it's own. I've had a country fried steak before so that was good but I've never had proper hash browns (because McDonald's doesn't quite cut it somehow...) or proper country gravy. But this was the real deal and it was delicious. I gave my blog address to the waitress (a habit I've decided to get into) but I didn't get a photo in the kitchen so I shall have to do that next time...

Seasoned with Macrosmaticness,


Ready to tuck in!
 Now, this is Wyoming so, yes, the gentleman behind
me is wearing forest camoflauge...

"To glorify my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Creator 
of the universe and spread further abroad His glorious gospel." - Yours Truly

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